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What Does the Catholic Church Teach About Origins?


What Does The Catholic Church Teach about Origins?

  • God created everything “in its whole substance” from nothing (ex nihilo) in the beginning.
    (Lateran IV; Vatican Council I)

  • Genesis does not contain purified myths. (Pontifical Biblical Commission 1909[1])

  • Genesis contains real history—it gives an account of things that really happened. (Pius XII, Humani generis)

  • Adam and Eve were real human beings—the first parents of all mankind. (Pius XII)

  • Polygenism (many “first parents”) contradicts Scripture and Tradition and is condemned. (Pius XII; 1994 Catechism, 360, footnote 226: Tobit 8:6—the “one ancestor” referred to in this Catechism could only be Adam.)

  • The “beginning” of the world included the creation of all things, the creation of Adam and Eve and the Fall (Jesus Christ [Mark 10:6]; Pope Innocent III; Blessed Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus).

  • The body of Eve was specially created from a portion of Adam’s body (Leo XIII). She could not have originated via evolution.

  • Various senses are employed in the Bible, but the literal obvious sense must be believed unless reason dictates or necessity requires (Leo XIII, Providentissimus Deus).

  • Adam and Eve were created upon an earthly paradise and would not have known death if they had remained obedient (Pius XII).

  • After their disobedience of God, Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden. But the Second Person of the Trinity would subsequently pay the ransom for fallen man (Nicene Creed).

  • Original Sin is a flawed condition inherited from Adam and Eve (Council of Trent).

  • The Universe suffers in travail ever since the sin of disobedience by Adam and Eve. (Romans 8, Vatican Council I).

  • We must believe any interpretation of Scripture that the Fathers taught unanimously on a matter of faith or morals (Council of Trent and Vatican Council I).

  • All the Fathers who wrote on the subject believed that the Creation days were no longer than 24-hour-days. (Consensus of the Fathers of the Church)

  • The work of Creation was finished by the close of Day Six, and nothing completely new has since been created—except for each human rational soul at conception (Vatican Council I)

  • St. Peter and Christ Himself in the New Testament confirmed the global Flood of Noah. It covered all the then high mountains and destroyed all land dwelling creatures except eight human beings andall kinds of non-human creatures aboard the Ark (Unam Sanctam, 1302)

  • The historical existence of Noah’s Ark is regarded as most important in typology, as central to Redemption. (1566 Catechism of the Council of Trent)

  • Evolution should not be taught, but Catholic scholars should study the evidence for and against the evolutionary hypothesis.
    (Pius XII, Humani Generis)

  • Traditional Catholic philosophy and metaphysics must be maintained in the study and exposition of the Catholic doctrine of creation (Pius XII, Humani Generis).

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[1] In 1909, the PBC was an arm of the Magisterium and dissent from its decisions was tantamount to dissent from the teaching of the pope himself.

What Does Molecules-to-Man Evolutionism Teach about Origins?

  • In the beginning there was neither heaven nor earth, just concentrated primeval matter.

  • This matter expanded and exploded.

  • The explosion produced gas, mainly helium and hydrogen, which expanded. Over billions of years, clumps of the gas contracted and formed stars. One of these stars was our sun.

  • Part of the sun detached itself and became planet Earth.

  • Radiometric dating strongly indicates that the earth is more than four billion years old.

  • Given enough time, random interactions of matter will produce spontaneous increases in specific complexity in randomly-formed units of matter.

  • When the planet cooled, chemicals reacted together to form amino acids.

  • Primitive living cells resulted from combinations of the amino acids.

  • A process of evolution led to the primitive cells developing into complex cells.

  • Over millions of years the cells transformed into higher organisms.

  • Gradually the organisms divided themselves into flora and fauna.

  • All the known species of plants and trees evolved over immense periods of time, perhaps from some primitive form of algae.

  • Similarly, man evolved from simple marine life, transformed over eons of time from some form of bacteria into all the aquatic, land and air species that have ever existed.

What Does Cutting-Edge Science Teach about Origins?

  • Molecules-to-man evolutionary theory violates the second law of thermodynamics by positing spontaneous increases in order through random interactions of matter.

  • Matter from explosions does not condense to form objects like galaxies.

  • Chemicals do not react together randomly to form amino acids through natural processes.

  • Amino acids do not randomly interact to form living cells through undirected natural processes.

  • Molecules-to-man evolutionism violates the Law of Biogenesis: Life does not come from non-life.

  • The specific complexity of genetic information in the genome does not increase spontaneously.Therefore, there is no natural process whereby reptiles can turn into birds, land mammals into whales, or chimpanzees into human beings.

  • All organisms are irreducibly complex.Therefore, in order for any kind of organism to exist, all of the essential parts of that organism must be fully functioning from the beginning of its existence.

  • As now used by evolutionary scientists there is virtually no value in radio dating as an objective source ofprehistoric chronology.

  • Many worldwide natural processes indicate an age for the earth of 10,000 years or less.These include population kinetics, influx of radiocarbon into earth’s atmosphere, absence of meteorites from the geologic column, and decay of earth’s magnetic field.

  • Sedimentological research has challenged the principles upon which the geological time scale is based.

  • There is no gradualism in the fossil record, no intermediate types.

CONCLUSION:Natural science offers no evidence that would contradict the plain and obvious sense of Genesis 1-11, the consensus of the Fathers of the Church, or the magisterial teaching of the Catholic Church on creation and the origins of man and the universe.


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